Hot Hub Superhero Cartoons

The Practice would like to say a massive thank you to those who submitted their images for the recent campaign for a “Hot Hub Superhero” poster aimed at our younger patients visiting the Hot Hub GP.

A big “Thank you” to Alice Webb whose “Dr G” has pride of place by the Entrance.



The Practice would also like to say a big “Thanks” to James Richards, who submitted not only one Superhero, but 5! Some are saying that this is Three Chequers Medical Practice’s answer to the Avengers or Justice League, but honestly, there’s no competition – ours is better! James’ pictures are dotted around the interior of the Practice and stickers (coming soon!) that we’ll give out to any brave superheroes who have to visit us in the Hot Hub.

We are sure you will agree how fantastic both Alice’s & James’ efforts are!

Published: Nov 23, 2020